(Tallinn) Reval Luxcup Fotboll

Luxcuper och Reval Sports / Utomlands


Saturday, June 7, 2025 - Sunday, June 8, 2025 , Sista registreringsdag är Ej Tillgängligt


Pojkar 2013, 2014


Tallinn launch
oscar@luxcuper.se launch
https://cupmate.nu/cup/luxcuper-reval-luxcup- launch


Welcome to the Reval Luxcup, an invitational tournament featuring the top teams from Scandinavia and the Baltics

About the tournament: The tournament will be played 7-8th june with arrival for foreign teams on Friday the 6th of June. Age groups boys 2013 (9v9) and 2014 (7v7) and only top Scandinaviaand Baltic top level with 16 teams taking part in both age groups. Match location for 2013 in Saku full size artificial pitch and 2014 will play on Nõmme Utd-s artificial pitch. All teams are guaranteed 5 matches with the duration of 2 x 20 minutes (3 matches on Sat and 2 on Sun). Matches will be played between 9.00-19.00 on Sat and 8.30-15.30 on Sunday.

Geographical distribution of the teams: 4 top teams from Estonia 4 top teams from Latvia/Lithuania 4 top teams from Finland 4 top teamsfrom Sweden/Norway

Package prices: 2 nights and 6 meals at Hotel Dzingel - 239 EUR in single room 2 nights and 6 meals at Hotel Dzingel - 189 EUR in twin rooms 2 nights and 6 meals at Hotel Dzingel - 175 EUR in 3-4-person rooms

2 nights and 6 meals at Hotel Go Shnelli - 269 EUR in single room 2 nights and 6 meals at Hotel Go Shnelli - 199 EUR in twin/triple room

Bus packages: Harbour/airport-hotel-harbour/airport - 200 EUR per team

Traveling options for Swedish teams (booked by the team itself): - Ryanair from Stockholm Arlanda to Tallinn (friday) and back to Stockholm (sunday). Cost: about 1000kr/person round trip.

  • Tallink Silja Line from Stockholm to Tallin. Cost: depends of number of cabins.
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Sport Stad Cup Klubb Startdatum Sista registreringsdag

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